Saturday, November 12, 2011

The Blessing of Family

So my family is going to read this and thing, "Psh, yeah right! Karli doesn't feel that way!" But believe me you guys, I do. 



I love my family and my in-laws!

This week I've seen and heard some pretty horrific things.

At the school where I teach, I was walking in early in the morning and a student was being dropped off early by his dad. This student isn't in my class, but he does have some physical disabilities that require him to walk with arm braces. As he was getting out of the car, his father (I'm assuming) started yelling at him about missing some homework paper .... and I mean YELLING. The boy fell to the cold ground, sitting in the street, and started to cry. Then the father called him some very very mean choice words. I didn't approach the scene, but now I wish I would have. As I walked inside the school, I totally started crying. It just upset me so much that a parent (or guardian) could treat a child that way! He's only about 8 years old! Sadly, there's just not much anyone can or will do about it. Biological parents have WAY too many rights in my opinion and there are some cases where children should and need to find better homes. Anyway, I talked to the student later that day and he didn't have much to say other than, "Things are hard at my house right now."

I work with some of the cutest, sweetest, most difficult kids that there are. And I love each of them with my whole heart and soul. I said to Ryan when I got home, "I just want to take that little boy home and show him what it's like to be loved!"
In other news, too many people are getting divorced. You always hear, "Yeah...they're getting a divorce." As if it was just this decision they made or something. If they were able to get along to make a decision together, they probably wouldn't be getting a divorce. Be honest. Have integrity. Write love notes. Pray together. Read the scriptures together. Go make out. Seriously, choose to stay together by doing things that make you want to stay together.
If you can't tell, I'm in a very, "Save the family - Save the world!" kind of mood.
Choose to love your family. That's all I have to say.

1 comment:

  1. Aw, I love this. Well said. :) And you're right. Being a teacher myself, I see far too many children go unloved and unappreciated. It breaks my heart.
